Transactions lecture on Tue

Transactions lecture on Tue

by George Candea -
Number of replies: 0
Dear students,

The lecture scheduled for the coming Tuesday is on Transactions (contrary to what I said at the end of last lecture).

Unfortunately, I've come down with a cold this weekend, and I'm starting to lose my voice. This happens to me every Fall semester, and I know the pattern by now... by Tuesday I'll be completely unable to lecture.

Fortunately, I have Covid-era videos of the lecture that are quite close to what I had in mind for Tuesday. So the README now links to these videos and to the slides I had prepared for Tuesday, and I'd like to ask you to watch these in lieu of a live lecture. We won't be able to interact the usual way, but I will be in BC-01 during the allotted lecture slot on Tuesday if you have questions (and can put up with whispered answers), and of course you can always use Ed Discussions.


P.S. I was in a great mood when I did the videos, and I love transactions, so you'll be far more entertained and amused by the videos than by my live lecture, I promise.