Technologies for democratic society
Weekly outline
Lecture: Mondays at 15:15 - 17:00 in CM1 3
Exercise Session: Mondays at 17:15 - 18:00 in CM1 105
This course is highly interactive, and your active participation in lectures is essential.Course Staff
Professor: Bryan Ford
TAs: Shailesh Mishra, Louis-Henri Merino, Mert Erkul
The CS-234 staff can be reached by email, on Ed, and during exercise sessions.Assessments
Quizzes account for 10% of the final grade with the lowest score being dropped, Assignments make up 40%, and the Final Exam contributes 50%.
Quiz Schedule
Quizzes are conducted on Moodle and held on TBD.
We conduct a poll early in the semester to identify the most convenient time to administer the quizzes.Assignments (Grade Weights & Deadlines)
HW #1 (5%): Usenet (TBD)
HW #2 (10%): Peer Review Assignment
- Part 1 (5%): Write Up (TBD)
- Part 2 (3%): Peer Review (TBD)
- Part 3 (2%): Metareview (TBD)
HW #3 (20%): Collective Problem Solving
HW #4 (5%): Ethereum Smart Contract
- Part 1: Solo (TBD)
- Part 2: Elections (TBD)