Project competition

Project competition

par Anand Jerry George,
Nombre de réponses : 2

Dear Students,

While you are perfecting your project report (due tomorrow), we would like to give some information regarding the competition. As you know, the competition will be held on Tuesday, Dec 19, from 8h30 to 9h30. You will be given a slightly adapted question from what you have seen in the project. You may use the codes written for the project as a starting point to solve the problem. It should be easy to make necessary changes, provided you have written and understand your code well. 

You should be able to read and write CSV files. For example, in Python, you may use numpy.loadtxt() and numpy.savetxt(). You may also require analogs of functions such as numpy.reshape() and matplotlib.pyplot.imshow().

Good luck!

Teaching team

En réponse à Anand Jerry George

Re: Project competition

par Olivier Lévêque,
Hi all,

Just a reminder that the competition starts tomorrow at 8:30 AM in room BC 01.

Looking forward to meeting you there!

Anand, Guanyu, Nicolas and Olivier
En réponse à Anand Jerry George

Re: Project competition

par Anand Jerry George,
Dear all,

We have uploaded the ground truth image of the competition question for your reference.

Teaching team