Homework #1

Homework #1

par Shailesh Mishra,
Nombre de réponses : 3

Dear students,

Homework 1 is live and the deadline is Tuesday, 24 September 2024, 23:59. Take a look into the submission link, and read the instructions provided in the document carefully.

If you have doubts, feel free to post them on Ed Forum under the HW1 tag.

Also, here is the link to today's lecture.

Goodluck with the homework and have fun learning!

Kind regards,
CS234 Team

En réponse à Shailesh Mishra

Re: Homework #1

par Shailesh Mishra,
Dear Students,

It has come to our attention that Eternal-September is currently experiencing issues with their CAPTCHA system, preventing new user registrations. To address this, we have compiled a spreadsheet containing existing credentials for you to use. This spreadsheet is to be used in place of Step 2 only. You can then proceed from Step 4 onwards as usual.

To access the spreadsheet, please log in to Google Drive using your EPFL account. Within the spreadsheet, you will find two columns for your use: one with a dropdown list and another for your email address. When you begin using a credential, please enter your EPFL email in the designated column and select "locked" from the dropdown menu. After you have completed "Question 2", remove your email and set the credential status to "unlocked."

It is crucial that you do not keep any credentials locked for an extended period since others will also need access. Should you notice someone keeping credentials locked for more than a few hours, kindly reach out to them via email.

For those of you who have already completed the homework, we kindly request that you add your credentials to the shared sheet to help your fellow students complete their assignments as well.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the issues with Eternal September. Let's work together to ensure everyone can complete their homework in a timely manner. Cooperation and mutual support are key drivers of a democratic society :).

Kind regards,
CS-234 Team

(Edited by Louis-Henri Manuel Jakob Merino - original submission Monday, 23 September 2024, 14:12)

En réponse à Shailesh Mishra

Re: Homework #1

par Shailesh Mishra,
Dear Students,

Due to the issue with Eternal September, we have moved the deadline of the homework to Thursday, 26 September 2024, 23:59.

For the students who are using the provided credentials, please unlock the account as soon as you are done with it.

For the students who did their homework with their own account, please share your credentials in the spreadsheet.

Kind regards,
CS-234 Team
En réponse à Shailesh Mishra

Re: Homework #1

par Shailesh Mishra,
Dear Students,

We are providing instructions for question 1 and question 2 separately - so, please read the whole announcement carefully.

For question 1, if you are getting nymshifting error, please do the following with respect to the steps provided in the document shared on Moodle:
  1. Follow exactly
  2. Skip
  3. Skip
  4. Skip
  5. Skip
  6. Follow exactly
  7. Follow exactly
  8. Follow exactly
  9. Instead of using tin -r -A, execute tin -r on the terminal
  10. You don't need to authenticate (so skip)
  11. Follow exactly
  12. Press y to see the groups and navigate to eternal-september.test
  13. Follow exactly
  14. For 14, now you can write any address in the "From" field (it does not rely on FQDN)
  15. Follow exactly and give the screenshot.
NOTE: For posting on eternal-september.test, each line should have less than 79 characters. So, when you break to the next line when you have quite a few characters.

For question 2, use tin -r -A and use any of the credentials given in the sheet. You need to use -A to see the moderated groups. Now, you do not need to worry about the locking or unlocking of the credentials because you are not using the FQDN anymore.

Finally, we are moving the deadline to Monday, 30 September, 23:59.

Kind regards,
CS-234 Team