Visits ME460 on Tue April 9th

Visits ME460 on Tue April 9th

by Jan Van Herle -
Number of replies: 0

Dear All,

to confirm the visits of tomorrow :

1) EPFL heating plant

19 students are registered so far. There is still time to register but the maximum amount is 25 people.

Meeting is as usual at 10h15 in the class room CM105. From there we'll walk to the heating plant (next to the metro line). Start of the visit is at 10h30 and takes about 1.5 h. The person of contact is (TA) Martin Gay ( from our lab.

2) EPFL PV plant

11 students are registered so far. There is still time to register. Meeting is at 10h00 on Esplanade in front of the information desk. The visit is done by Romande Energie, starting with a movie and then a guided walk to the roofs where various PV are installed. Avoid uncomfortable shoes. Rain is predicted tomorrow morning (bad luck), think about bringing an umbrella. The visit takes 1 h. The group will be accompanied by Hangyu Yu (TA) from our lab. (There will be only 1 visit from 10h00 to 11h00, not a second visit from 11h00, as not enough people registered for that hour.)

I hope everything works out tomorrow and that the visits are interesting.

Best wishes

Jan Van herle.