Enrolment options

MGT-505 Systems Thinking: this course aims to equip students with the skills to analyze and solve complex problems across domains. The course is hands-on and covers the main systems concepts and tools, applied to multiple real-life problems.

Sessions (13 weeks)
  1. Introduction to Systems Thinking, Complexity, Wicked Problems
  2. Systems Archetypes and Dynamics
  3. Feedback Loops and Causal Loop Diagrams
  4. Stock and Flow Diagrams
  5. System Dynamics Modeling
  6. Leverage Points in Systems
  7. Mental Models and Learning Organizations
  8. Complex Adaptive Systems
  9. Systems Thinking in Public Policy
  10. Systems Thinking in Business and Management
  11. Sustainability and Systems Thinking
  12. Integration and Application
  13. Final Presentation

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)