Lecture title: Analysis IV - MATH-207(c)

Instructor: Georgios Moschidis

Email: georgios.moschidis@epfl.ch

Location: SG1 138

Time: Monday 13:00-15:00

Main assistant: Anna Paulish

Email: anna.paulish@epfl.ch

Exercise rooms
CM01104 49
Ferdinand Posva, Mehdi Berrada, Lucile Moulin
CM1105 114Xiaohang Yu, Ismail Filali, Sylvain Beuret, Emma Berenholt
CM010 48Marc Younes, William Martin, Marta Dias De Jesus
CM1113 22Marc Antonio Chalhoub, Mia Nasr, Natacha Kruzic
CM1121 100Antoine Violet, Rania Hatrouhou, Haoyuan Cai, Parmenion Mavrikakis

Exercise hours: Tuesdays 13:00-15:00


Benard Dacorogna, Chiara Tanteri: Analyse avancé pour ingénieurs.
We will cover Ch. 9 - 12, 14 - 18.

To make the most of this lecture, you must review the relevant course materials from the textbook in advance.

Homework and exercise sessions:

Homework will be published after the lecture on Monday. It generally reflects the content discussed in the prior lectures, but previous lectures will be relevant as well.

You are strongly encouraged to attend the exercise sessions and work through the assignments. Discussing the material with the assistants and your peers is essential in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Final exam and final grade:

The final grade will be based on the final exam. The final exam will be written and last 180 minutes. At the exam, you will be able to bring an one-sided cheat sheet (physical paper only).

General remarks:

You are encouraged to ask questions during the lecture.

My personal notes for the lecture will be posted after the lecture on Moodle.

We look forward to your active participation and engagement during the lecture. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to your lecturer or one of the assistants.