GWAA <- function(genodata=genotypes, phenodata=phenotypes, family = gaussian, filename=NULL, append=FALSE, workers=getOption("mc.cores",2L), flip=TRUE, select.snps=NULL, hosts=NULL, nSplits=10){ if (!require(doParallel)) { stop("Missing doParallel package") } #Check that a filename was specified if(is.null(filename)) stop("Must specify a filename for output.") #Check that the genotype data is of class 'SnpMatrix' if( class(genodata)!="SnpMatrix") stop("Genotype data must of class 'SnpMatrix'.") #Check that there is a variable named 'phenotype' in phenodata table if( !"phenotype" %in% colnames(phenodata)) stop("Phenotype data must have column named 'phenotype'") #Check that there is a variable named 'id' in phenodata table if( !"id" %in% colnames(phenodata)) stop("Phenotype data must have column named 'id'.") #If a vector of SNPs is given, subset genotype data for these SNPs if(!is.null(select.snps)) genodata<-genodata[,which(colnames(genodata)%in%select.snps)] #Check that there are still SNPs in 'SnpMatrix' object if(ncol(genodata)==0) stop("There are no SNPs in the 'SnpMatrix' object.") #Print the number of SNPs to be checked cat(paste(ncol(genodata), " SNPs included in analysis.\n")) #If append=FALSE than we will overwrite file with column names if(!isTRUE(append)) { columns<-c("SNP", "Estimate", "Std.Error", "t-value", "p-value") write.table(t(columns), filename, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE) } # Check sample counts if (nrow(phenodata) != nrow(genodata)) { warning("Number of samples mismatch. Using subset found in phenodata.") } # Order genodata rows to be the same as phenodata genodata <- genodata[phenodata$id,] cat(nrow(genodata), "samples included in analysis.\n") # Change which allele is flip.matrix<-function(x){ zero2 <- which(x==0) two0 <- which(x==2) x[zero2] <- 2 x[two0] <- 0 return(x) } nSNPs <- ncol(genodata) genosplit <- ceiling(nSNPs/nSplits) # number of SNPs in each subset snp.start <- seq(1, nSNPs, genosplit) # index of first SNP in group snp.stop <- pmin(snp.start+genosplit-1, nSNPs) # index of last SNP in group if (is.null(hosts)) { # On Unix this will use fork and mclapply. On Windows it # will create multiple processes on localhost. cl <- makeCluster(workers) } else { # The listed hosts must be accessible by the current user using # password-less ssh with R installed on all hosts, all # packages installed, and "rscript" is in the default PATH. # See docs for makeCluster() for more information. cl <- makeCluster(hosts, "PSOCK") } show(cl) # report number of workers and type of parallel implementation registerDoParallel(cl) foreach (part=1:nSplits) %do% { # Returns a standar matrix of the genoNum <- as(genodata[,snp.start[part]:snp.stop[part]], "numeric") # Flip the numeric values of genotypes to count minor allele if (isTRUE(flip)) genoNum <- flip.matrix(genoNum) # For each SNP, concatenate the genotype column to the # phenodata and fit a generalized linear model rsVec <- colnames(genoNum) res <- foreach(, .combine='rbind') %dopar% { a <- summary(glm(phenotype~ . - id, family=family, data=cbind(phenodata, snp=genoNum[,]))) a$coefficients['snp',] } # write results so far to a file write.table(cbind(rsVec,res), filename, append=TRUE, quote=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE) cat(sprintf("GWAS SNPs %s-%s (%s%% finished)\n", snp.start[part], snp.stop[part], 100*part/nSplits)) } stopCluster(cl) return(print("Done.")) } # ---- manhattan ---- # Receives a data.frame of SNPs with Neg_logP, chr, position, and type. # Plots Manhattan plot with significant SNPs highlighted. GWAS_Manhattan <- function(GWAS, col.snps=c("black","gray"), col.detected=c("blue"), col.imputed=c("red"), col.text="black", title="GWAS Tutorial Manhattan Plot", display.text=TRUE, bonferroni.alpha=0.05, bonferroni.adjustment=1000000, Lstringent.adjustment=10000) { bonferroni.thresh <- -log10(bonferroni.alpha / bonferroni.adjustment) Lstringent.thresh <- -log10(bonferroni.alpha / Lstringent.adjustment) xscale <- 10000000 manhat <- GWAS[!grepl("[A-z]",GWAS$chr),] #sort the data by chromosome and then location manhat.ord <- manhat[order(as.numeric(manhat$chr),manhat$position),] manhat.ord <- manhat.ord[!$position),] ##Finding the maximum position for each chromosome max.pos <- sapply(1:21, function(i) { max(manhat.ord$position[manhat.ord$chr==i],0) }) max.pos2 <- c(0, cumsum(max.pos)) #Add spacing between chromosomes max.pos2 <- max.pos2 + c(0:21) * xscale * 10 #defining the positions of each snp in the plot manhat.ord$pos <- manhat.ord$position + max.pos2[as.numeric(manhat.ord$chr)] # alternate coloring of chromosomes manhat.ord$col <- col.snps[1 + as.numeric(manhat.ord$chr) %% 2] # draw the chromosome label roughly in the middle of each chromosome band text.pos <- sapply(c(1:22), function(i) { mean(manhat.ord$pos[manhat.ord$chr==i]) }) # Plot the data plot(manhat.ord$pos[manhat.ord$type=="typed"]/xscale, manhat.ord$Neg_logP[manhat.ord$type=="typed"], pch=20, cex=.3, col= manhat.ord$col[manhat.ord$type=="typed"], xlab="Chromosome", ylab="Negative Log P-Value", axes=F, ylim=c(0,max(manhat$Neg_logP)+1)) points(manhat.ord$pos[manhat.ord$type=="imputed"]/xscale, manhat.ord$Neg_logP[manhat.ord$type=="imputed"], pch=20, cex=.4, col = col.imputed) points(manhat.ord$pos[manhat.ord$type=="typed"]/xscale, manhat.ord$Neg_logP[manhat.ord$type=="typed"], pch=20, cex=.3, col = manhat.ord$col[manhat.ord$type=="typed"]) axis(2) abline(h=0) SigNifSNPs <- as.character(GWAS[GWAS$Neg_logP > Lstringent.thresh & GWAS$type=="typed", "SNP"]) #Add legend #legend("topright",c("Bonferroni Corrected Threshold*", "Less Stringent Threshold**"), # border="black", col=c("gray60", "gray60"), pch=c(0, 0), lwd=c(1,1), lty=c(1,2), pt.cex=c(0,0), bty="n", cex=0.7) #Add chromosome number text(text.pos/xscale, -.3, seq(1,22,by=1), xpd=TRUE, cex=1) #Add bonferroni line abline(h=bonferroni.thresh, untf = FALSE, col = "gray60") #Add "less stringent" line abline(h=Lstringent.thresh, untf = FALSE, col = "gray60", lty = 2) #Plotting detected genes #Were any genes detected? if (length(SigNifSNPs)>0){ sig.snps <- manhat.ord[,'SNP'] %in% SigNifSNPs points(manhat.ord$pos[sig.snps]/xscale, manhat.ord$Neg_logP[sig.snps], pch=15,col=col.detected, bg=col.detected,cex=0.5) text(manhat.ord$pos[sig.snps]/xscale,manhat.ord$Neg_logP[sig.snps], as.character(manhat.ord[sig.snps,1]), col=col.text, offset=1, adj=-.1, cex=1) } } # ---- map2gene ---- # Returns the subset of SNPs that are within extend.boundary of gene # using the coords table of gene locations. map2gene <- function(gene, coords, SNPs, extend.boundary = 5000) { coordsSub <- coords[coords$gene == gene,] #Subset coordinate file for spcified gene coordsSub$start <- coordsSub$start - extend.boundary # Extend gene boundaries coordsSub$stop <- coordsSub$stop + extend.boundary SNPsub <- SNPs[SNPs$position >= coordsSub$start & SNPs$position <= coordsSub$stop & SNPs$chr == coordsSub$chr,] #Subset for SNPs in gene return(data.frame(SNPsub, gene = gene, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) }