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Section 2
video switchTube : Play testing [spring 2022]
video switchTube : Play testing [spring 2022]
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video switchTube : Play testing [spring 2022]
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◄ Betül Güres :GDD example
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News forum
Edstem: Q&A, Discussions, Project questions, Quizz, etc...
Class GitHub repository: hands-on & project material
Slides R. Boulic "course organization" [17.02.2025]
video mediaspace: organization [17.02.2025]
Slides R. Boulic "VR as embodied interactions" [unchanged for 2023-24]
video mediaspace : embodied VR [17.02.2025]
Slides "key human senses / immersion" [2023-24]
video mediaspace [2024-25]
Slides "Depth perception" [2023-24]
video mediaspace [2024-25]
Paper study specifications for spring 2025 (goto topic6 for uploading & plagiarism dectection tool)
Example of paper study [Slater Presence 2004]
Paper list proposed for the Paper study [Spring 2025]
Paper Study choice [Spring 2025]
Betül Güres: Introduction to Game Design_2025
video switchTube : Game design [spring 2022]
Betül Güres :GDD example
Betül Güres : VR Systems & project overview [2025]
The VR Project Guidelines
VR Project Group Formation [2024-25]
HO1: Setup and introduction to Unity
Hands-On & Project additional information
Slides "Immersion, Presence and Flow" [ 04.03.2024]
Slides "Cybersickness" [ok for 2023-24 ]
Game design document (the best would be 14th 23:59, but we'll accept until 16th 23h59)
Week5 VR Project 3 min pitch time slot choice (check with your group before answering)
Betül Güres : VR Systems & project overview [2025] ►
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