Introduction to quantum computation
Weekly outline
Introductory course on quantum computation and basic algorithms. Subjects: classical circuit model, irreversibility and reversibility, principles of quantum mechanics (axiomatic approach) and Deutsch model of quantum circuits. Deutsch-Josza algorithm, hidden subgroup and Simon algorithm, factorization and Shor's algorithm, Grover data base search. Possibly distributed protocols and/or HLL. Error correcting codes: Calderbank-Steane-Shor, stabiliser formalism. We will also use NISQ machines in exercises and/or projects.
Student assistants:
- Lectures on Wednesdays, 8h15-11h, in room ELA2 (please note that the third hour can be dedicated to lectures and/or exercises, depending on advancement and subjects)
- Exercises sessions, 11h-12h, in room ELA2
Lecture notes (in french): chapters taught this semester are chapters 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. (the rest corresponds to Introduction in Quantum Information Processing).
Reference book: Nielsen and Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge university Press, 2010
Videos (both in French - Spring 2021, and in English - Spring 2023)
Exam and grading: midterm 15% + mini-project 15% + final written exam 70%
For the exams: one A4 page recto-verso with a personal summary of the course is allowed. Apart from that, these are closed book exams. No electronic device allowed.
Introduction, classical circuits, Dirac's notation
Chapters 10.1, 10.2, 3.1 in notes
Quantum principles (axiomatic approach) and elementary quantum gates
Chapter 3 in notes
Quantum computation (circuit) model of Deutsch and Deutsch-Josza's algorithm
Chapter 10 in notes
Hidden sub-group problem and Simon's algorithm I
Chapter 11 in notes (until the measurement process)
Hiden sub-group problem and Simon's algorithm II
Chapter 11 continuation (recap of the algorithm, and measurement process)
Shor's algorithm, part I
Chapter 12.1, 12.2 in notes
Shor's algorithm, part IIChapter 12 in notes
Shor's algorithm, part IIIChapter 12 in notes
Easter break: holiday
Grover's algorithm, part I
Chapter 13 in notes
Grover's algorithm, part II
Chapter 13 in notes
Mini-project (start date: May 7 - end date: May 28)
Error correction, part I
Chapter 9 in notes
Error correction, part II
Chapter 9 in notes
Error correction, part III
(no homework this week)