Problem 2

Question 1

  • 1/2 point per correct row (correct source, destination, and purpose)
  • 1/4 point if the port numbers are wrong

Question 2(a)

  • 1 point for DNS, connection setup, HTTP request, and HTTP response propagation delay
  • 3 points for correct transmission delays (-1 if student computed transmission delay for DNS, connection setup, and/or HTTP request)

Question 2(b)

  • 2 points for saying/showing image is sent over two rounds (2 pieces and then 4 pieces)
  • 1 point for correct propagation delay
  • 3 points for correct transmission delays

Question 3(a)

  • 1 point for realizing there are no rounds
  • 1 point for correct propagation delay
  • 3 points for correct transmission delays

Question 3(b)

  • 2 points for correctly computing how long it took the web server to send all the logo responses
  • 5 points for correctly computing when the web server starts sending the logo responses

Problem 3

Question 1

  • 1.5 point for SEQ and ACKs (-0.5 for wrong duplicate ACKs)
  • 0.5 point for correctly increasing the congestion window (1, 1, 2, 4, 8)
  • 1 point for correctly showing the timeout
  • 1 point for setting congestion window to 1 and ssthreshold to 4 after the timeout
  • 1 point for state of congestion control algorithm
  • 0.5 for starting with slow start
  • 0.5 for staying in slow start after receiving ACK 16

  • If a student set the timeout to SEQ 9 instead of SEQ 8, consider it correct as it has low impact on the continuation of diagram
  • If a student increases the congestion window right after receiving the SYN ACK and not the ACK of first data segment, deduct 1 (0.5 for cwnd increase and 0.5 for SEQ&ACKS) and continue the rest normally.
  • If a student increases the congestion window on a duplicate ACK deduct 1.5 (0.5 for cwnd increase and 1 for SEQ&ACKS) and continue the rest normally.

Question 2

  • 2 points for computing time correctly (7.5 RTT)
    • Deduct 0.5 if the student computed 8RTT instead of 7.5RTT
  • 1 point for saying 17bytes / 7.5RTT

Question 3

  • 1 point for t1
  • 1 point for t2
  • 2 points for t3
  • 2 points for t4
  • 2 points for t5

Modifié le: dimanche, 26 novembre 2023, 13:36