Final grades

Final grades

by Olivier Lévêque -
Number of replies: 1

Hi all,

We just uploaded your grades in ISA; hopefully you are able to see them already.

You find also at the top of the Moodle page the exam and the solutions.

All the best, and thanks for attending the quantum computation course this semester!

Rüdiger and Olivier

PS: Some stats: class average is 4.75 and pass rate is 85%.

In reply to Olivier Lévêque

Re: Final grades

by Olivier Lévêque -

So just to clarify a few points (after the various questions on Ed Discussion):

- unfortunately (as feared a little on our side), it seems that you cannot yet see the grades on ISA: I guess these won't appear before the end of the exam session

- but when you will be able to see them, the grades will indeed be the right ones: the correction has been completed.

- the mentioned stats are among the people who have taken the exam.

All the best,