MP2 fraud detection interviews

MP2 fraud detection interviews

par Orélian Kohler,
Nombre de réponses : 1

If we've done MP2 for the 2nd deadline, where do we register for the fraud detection interviews? 

Also on the announcement: “MP1: fraud detection interviews (2nd deadline)” or do we have to wait for another announcement later ?

 We didn't see any other announcement for MP2 for the first deadline either.

En réponse à Orélian Kohler

Re: MP2 fraud detection interviews

par Sophia Becker,

sorry for the confusion - you can now sign up for the fraud detection of mini-project 2 (2nd session) on the same link as for mini-project 1 (2nd session), i.e. the link that was posted in the announcement today.

Important for everyone who signed up for a mini-project 2 interview slot before this announcement: Your interview slot might have changed since we had to reassign a few slots - please double-check if you're available in the assigned slot, and change your slot if necessary.

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