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Welcome to Sustainability and Materials.

In this class we will explore together sustainability implications around:

  • How we produce, use, and discard of materials and products, emphasizing different material classes
  • Emerging and disruptive technologies

This is a rapidly evolving field. In popular culture, this discourse can be riddled with fear and anxiety. Here, we aim to step away from the emotional discourse, instead equipping ourselves with a knowledge base and problem-solving mindset. 

Some topics that I hope to touch upon with you (in no particular order):

  • What is this "buzz" word sustainability all about?
  • The value chain - understanding where our products come from and where they go once we are done with them.
  • Linear vs circular models
  • How do we measure circularity? Impact?
  • Green chemistry
  • Plastics - an increasingly complicated subject
  • Scarce and conflict materials
  • Recycling across material classes - where are we really?
  • What defines biodegradability?
  • Disruptive technologies
  • The carbon market
  • Bio-based materials instead of petrol-based materials

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