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The Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS) are widely applied not only for positioning and localisation (traffic, personal devices, surveying and navigation) but also for natural hazards (subsidence and landslide observing, tsunami alert, etc.) as well as environmental monitoring (water vapour probing, total electron content estimation, soil moisture). They are also becoming part of many communication devices. The student will learn how to process the observed direct and indirect signals for positioning, speed determination as well as environmental applications.


Concept of satellite positioning

- basic principals & reference frames
- orbit computation & simple positioning

Signal modulation and structure

- RF propagation in space - signal structure

Receiver technology

- signal preprocessing
- signal acquisition & tracking

Error models and differencing concepts

- code and carrier phase measurements - linear combination of observations

Algorithms for positioning

- code and carrier-phase smoothed-code
- carrier-phase cycle ambiguity determination

Algorithms for environmental sensing

- water vapour estimation

- total electron content estimation - GNSS reflectometry

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