Virtual reality
Topic outline
Virtual Reality
Presential course in INF2 by R. Boulic with one Lecture by Dr Bruno Herbelin on May 6th(the use of the webinar is limited to the presentation course of the first week)see the detailed schedule below for the the type of activity during the 10-13h time rangethe course plans 5 weeks of VR hands-on with coding work (--2h/week) from weeks 3 to 9 of the semester. For this reason, the 1h of exercise from 12h to 13h is used for teaching for the first 2 weeks whereas there will be less time of lecture during the weeks 4 to 9 period.
The paper study is an individual work starting on week2 with a deadline on week6.
The project is written in C# on UNITY3D ; it starts on week 3 where groups of 3 persons are formed and can retrieve their Oculus Quest HMD(s) on a first-come first-served basis; we only have 19 of them (half Oculus Quest and half Quest2) for spring 2025. The project pitch is planned on week 5 after the Oculus Quest hands-on. The project ends on week 13.
GRADING SCHEME (spring 2025)
- The paper study grade has a weight of 15% ; you will know your grade before the final theoretical oral (see below)
- The project assignment has a weight of 50% that includes a project oral evaluation conducted in presential (with individual questions on the code).
- The individual theoretical oral control during week 14 has a weight of 35% (the duration is 15 minutes / closed books / the first third of the oral exam is presenting a summary of the paper study and the rest consists of questions on related VR theoretical concepts)) . The theoretical oral exam will be conducted in presential during the whole week 14.
DETAILED SCHEDULE for spring 2025
The SPOT staff reminded us that the borrowed HMD have to be given back latest at 19h45 at the welcome desk - The paper study grade has a weight of 15% ; you will know your grade before the final theoretical oral (see below)
Feb. 17th [1h course presentation and embodied VR concepts +2h about perception]
10h15 :R. Boulic : Course structure including a brief overview of the 5 hands-on demos, the paper study and the project
R. Boulic : VR as "Embodied Interaction"
11h15: R. Boulic 1h: Feeding human senses through "Immersion"
12h15: R. Boulic 1h: Depth Perception
You will be able to select the paper you want to study by registering soon below to the "paper study group" with the number of the first authors' name on the first page.
Carefully read the abstracts before choosing a paper as you cannot revert your choice.
You can join only one group => one paper to study (alone) ; it's not a work to do with the potential other person choosing the same paper to study. We'll run the plagiarism detection tool to check such issue. -
reminder: choose MAXIMUM 1 group / the paper study work is individual. The word "group" comes from the moodle interface design ; it just means the maximum number of person choosing a specific paper.
February 24th : Project background material [2h20 teaching by Betül Güres; 0h20 by Dylan Vairoli] from now on, without webinar ; recorded video from previous year will be visible after the course period
Betül Güres : Introduction to game designBetül Güres: Game: Play testing
Betül Güres : VR systems and project presentation together with Dylan Vairoli
You are free to define your project group, at the latest on Monday March 3rd 23h55. (week 3)
We expect a standard group size of four people ; the groups of 3 persons will be completed to 4 persons after the above deadline if needed. Consider checking this guide of good practices for team work.
Details can be found in the pdf document "VR Project Guidelines", which can be found within this topic2.
Once your group is registered, it is important to brainstorm your ideas with the group and come up with a short document that provides the details of your game idea. This document should be uploaded in the assignment "VR Project Pitch Proposal (Max. 2-Page)" (see Topic 5) until friday march 14th (23h55). We encourage you to upload your pitch before March 14th to receive the appropriate feedback for your project. -
Alternatively, check in the class repository.
March 4th [2h teaching and 1h UNITY intro]
R. Boulic 1h: How much Immersion is necessary ? what is he difference between Immersion and Presence ? and Flow ?
R. Boulic 1h: Cybersickness
Hands-on HO1 Week3-
The game design document is not graded ; it will be used to provide better feedback during the pitch session.
Please Mark your group_id in the pdf name and your document title.
One person per group make the submission
We recommend that you follow the format of the GDD example document (Moodle > topic 2)
You should include the following bullet points (please carefully read the project guidelines and make sure you precise how your project will fit the requirements of the project):
1. Game background description. (e.g. narrative (if any), game world (if any))
2. Basic gameplay (e.g. the goal of the game)
3. Game mechanism ( e.g. the core game mechanism, key interactions, etc)
4. Locomotion style.
5. Designs to avoid cybersickness (Optional).
6. Other features (User interface, Sound & Effects).
We recommend that you use drawings or other forms of graphical representation to convey your idea more efficiently. Try to keep your GDD concise, a maximum of 5 pages is a good reference.
For the pitch session (3min presentation + 2min feedback), please prepare a presentation slide (maximum 5 pages).
Please make a single choice PER GROUP