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Students analyse the fundamental characteristics of optical detectors, their architectures, selected applications and case studies. Photoemissive devices, photodiodes, infrared sensors and single-photon detectors are studied. CCD, CMOS and SPAD cameras are analysed in detail.


Introduction: Electromagnetic radiation, radiometric quantities, interaction of light with matter, classification of detectors, noise sources, detector figures of merit.

Optical methods: selected examples: Synchronous detection and interferometers, position sensors, 3D imaging, Fourier optics and microscopy, superresolution microscopy techniques.

Photoemissive detectors: External photoeffect, vacuum photodiodes, photomultipliers, microchannel plates, applications.

Photodiodes: basic principles and structures, avalanche photodiodes, noise sources, ultimate photodectection limits, ultra-fast photodiodes.

CCD cameras: Charge Coupled Devices (CCD): CCD principles and building blocks, CCD charge transport and image sensor architectures.

CMOS cameras: Photocharge detection, photodiodes in CMOS, traditional MOS photodiodes array sensor architectures, noise in photodetection systems, APS (Active Pixel Sensor), HDR (High Dynamic Range) imaging. Specialty cameras.

Infrared detectors: InGaAs/InP heterojunctions, basic principles, metrology.

Single photon detection: PMT and photon counting, intensified CCD, electron bombarded CCD, electron multiplying CCD.

Single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs): SPAD basic principles, metrology, silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) vs SPAD arrays, imagers. Selected use cases (time-resolved imaging, LIDAR, Positron Emission Tomography, biophotonics).

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Self enrolment (Student)
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Campus access (read only)