
  1. Ancient cryptography: Vigenère, Enigma, Vernam cipher, Shannon theory
  2. Diffie-Hellman cryptography: algebra, Diffie-Hellman, ElGamal
  3. RSA cryptography: number theory, RSA, factoring
  4. Elliptic curve cryptography: elliptic curves over a finite field, ECDH, ECIES
  5. Symmetric encryption: block ciphers, stream ciphers, exhaustive search
  6. Integrity and authentication: hashing, MAC, birthday paradox
  7. Applications to symmetric cryptography: mobile telephony, Bluetooth, WiFi
  8. Public-key cryptography: cryptosystem, digital signature
  9. Trust establishment: secure communication, trust setups
  10. Case studies: Bluetooth, TLS, SSH, PGP, biometric passport

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Meeting ID: 962 8707 8331

This course will provide a broad overview of information security and privacy topics, with the primary goal of giving students the knowledge and tools they will need "in the field" in order to deal with the security/privacy challenges they are likely to encounter in today's "Big Data" world.

This course provides a detailed description of the organization and operating principles of mobile communication networks.

In this course you will learn and understand the main ideas that underlie and the way networks are built and run. You will be able to apply the concepts to the smart grid. In the labs you will exercise practical configurations. You will be able to

  • Test and clarify your understanding of the networking concepts by connecting computers to form a LAN, interconnected by routers and interconnected autonomous routing domains. 
  • test traffic control settings
  • develop and test various communicating programs using sockets
  • be familiar with IPv6 as well as IPv4 and the interworking between them
  • run a virtual networking environment in your computer where and deploy real networks in an emulated environment

This is a master level course for master and PhD students

In this course, various aspects of probability theory are considered. The first part is devoted to the main theorems in the field (law of large numbers, central limit theorem), while the second part focuses on the theory of martingales in discrete time.