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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CGC)
CGC - Bachelor
CGC - Bachelor
Course categories
Architecture (AR)
Architecture (AR) / AR - Bachelor
Architecture (AR) / AR - Master
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CGC)
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CGC) / CGC - Bachelor
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (CGC) / CGC - Master
College of Sciences (UNIL)
College of Humanities (CDH)
College of Humanities (CDH) / CDH - Master
College of Management of Technology (CDM)
College of Management of Technology (CDM) / CDM - Bachelor
College of Management of Technology (CDM) / CDM - Master
Preparatory year (CMS)
Doctoral School (ED)
Doctoral School (ED) / EDAM
Doctoral School (ED) / EDAR
Doctoral School (ED) / EDBB
Doctoral School (ED) / EDCB
Doctoral School (ED) / EDCE
Doctoral School (ED) / EDCH
Doctoral School (ED) / EDDH
Doctoral School (ED) / EDEE
Doctoral School (ED) / EDEY
Doctoral School (ED) / EDFI
Doctoral School (ED) / EDIC
Doctoral School (ED) / EDMA
Doctoral School (ED) / EDME
Doctoral School (ED) / EDMI
Doctoral School (ED) / EDMS
Doctoral School (ED) / EDMT
Doctoral School (ED) / EDMX
Doctoral School (ED) / EDNE
Doctoral School (ED) / EDPO
Doctoral School (ED) / EDPY
Doctoral School (ED) / EDRS
Doctoral School (ED) / General and external courses
Continuous training
Continuous training / FOBS2
Continuous training / FOBS2 / Disposal
Continuous training / FOBS2 / Handling chemicals
Continuous training / FOBS2 / Preparation step
Civil Engineering (GC)
Civil Engineering (GC) / GC - Bachelor
Civil Engineering (GC) / GC - Master
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EL)
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EL) / EL - Bachelor
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EL) / EL - Master
Mechanical Engineering (GM)
Mechanical Engineering (GM) / GM - Bachelor
Mechanical Engineering (GM) / GM - Master
Computer Science (IN)
Computer Science (IN) / IN - Bachelor
Computer Science (IN) / IN - Master
Materials Science and Engineering (MX)
Materials Science and Engineering (MX) / MX - Bachelor
Materials Science and Engineering (MX) / MX - Master
Mathematics (MA)
Mathematics (MA) / MA - Bachelor
Mathematics (MA) / MA - Master
Microengineering (MT)
Microengineering (MT) / MT - Bachelor
Microengineering (MT) / MT - Master
Miscellaneous / CDM
Miscellaneous / CDM / CDM-MTE
Miscellaneous / OHS
Miscellaneous / OHS / Cours complémentaires en sécurité au travail
Miscellaneous / OHS / Discovery Learning Labs
Miscellaneous / OHS / FOBS v2
Miscellaneous / OHS / Formation obligatoire de base en sécurité
Miscellaneous / OHS / Travaux pratiques SV
Miscellaneous / EHE
Miscellaneous / EHE / CONSULTING
Miscellaneous / ENAC
Miscellaneous / ENAC / SAR-ENS
Miscellaneous / ENAC / SSIE-ENS
Miscellaneous / ENAC / SCG-ENS
Miscellaneous / Game Development
Miscellaneous / Moodle Documentation
Miscellaneous / MoodleBackupExam
Miscellaneous / SB
Miscellaneous / SB / GSCP
Miscellaneous / SB / SMA-ENS
Miscellaneous / STI
Miscellaneous / STI / LAPD
Miscellaneous / STI / Admin
Miscellaneous / SV
Miscellaneous / SV / SV-DO
Miscellaneous / SV / SSV-ENS
Miscellaneous / T
Miscellaneous / T / EGA
Miscellaneous / T / VPT
Miscellaneous / Testing area
Miscellaneous / Testing area / Test
Miscellaneous / VPA
Miscellaneous / VPA / AVP-E-CAPE
Miscellaneous / VPA / AVP-E-CEDE
Miscellaneous / VPA / AVP-E-CEPRO
Miscellaneous / VPA / AVP-E-LEARN
Miscellaneous / VPA / AVP-SAO-CC
Miscellaneous / VPA / AVP-SAO-EULER
Miscellaneous / VPA / AVP-SAO-SAE
Miscellaneous / VPA / AVP-SAO-SPE
Miscellaneous / VPA / VPA-AVP-CP
Miscellaneous / VPA / VPA-AVP-R
Miscellaneous / VPA / VPA-SISB-GE
Miscellaneous / VPA / AVP-SAO-EPFL-GYMN
Miscellaneous / VPA / AVP-SAO-SPS
Miscellaneous / VPE
Miscellaneous / VPO
Miscellaneous / VPO / ISGOV
Miscellaneous / VPO / RHTD
Miscellaneous / VPO / ITOP-SDESK
Miscellaneous / VPO / SIS
Neuro-X (NX)
Neuro-X (NX) / NX - Master
Physics (PH)
Physics (PH) / PH - Bachelor
Physics (PH) / PH - Master
Environmental Sciences and Engineering (SIE)
Environmental Sciences and Engineering (SIE) / SIE - Bachelor
Environmental Sciences and Engineering (SIE) / SIE - Master
Quantum Science and Engineering (SIQ)
Quantum Science and Engineering (SIQ) / SIQ - Master
Life Sciences Engineering (SV)
Life Sciences Engineering (SV) / SV - Bachelor
Life Sciences Engineering (SV) / SV - Master
Social and Human Sciences (SHS)
Social and Human Sciences (SHS) / SHS - Bachelor
Social and Human Sciences (SHS) / SHS - Master
Communication Systems (SC)
Communication Systems (SC) / SC - Bachelor
Communication Systems (SC) / SC - Master
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Study plans
Study plan – Propaedeutic cycle (1st year)
Study plan – Common bachelor cycle (2nd year)
Study plan – Bachelor cycle, chemistry orientation (3rd year)
Study plan – Bachelor cycle, chemical engineering orientation (3rd year)
CH-108(a) Chimie TP I
CH-110 Chimie générale avancée I
CH-110(erc) Chimie générale avancée I ERC
CH-160(f) Chimie générale avancée
CH-160(g) Chimie générale avancée
CH-210 Biochimie
CH-220 Chimie préparative I
CH-221 Chemistry of elements s and p
CH-230 Chimie organique, TP
CH-233 Fonctions et réactions organiques I
CH-234 Organic functions and reactions II
CH-243 Electrochimie des solutions
CH-244 Quantum chemistry
CH-310 Dynamics and kinetics
CH-311 Macromolecular structure and interactions
CH-313 Chemical biology
CH-314 Structural analysis
CH-315 Modeling lab
CH-353 Introduction to electronic structure methods
CH-TP_Video_Public Chimie TP vidéo (accès publique)
ChE-201 Introduction to chemical engineering
ChE-330 Fluid mechanics and transport phenomena
ChimTP1_redoublants Chimie TP 1 (redoublants bio-pharma)
ChimTP1_TP2-assistants Chimie TP 1 et TP 2 (Assistants)
ChTP_Vidéo Chimie_TP_vidéo
MATH-111(g) Algèbre linéaire
ME-323 Chemical process control
UNIL-103 Chimie générale et analytique I (TP pour BIO)
UNIL-104 + UNIL-105 Chimie générale et analytique (TP pour PHA)
EPFL CH-1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 11 11
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